Since I moved to Minnesota in December 2011, I've spent a considerable amount of time playing cards at both Canterbury Park and Running Aces. Which one I choose to play at depends on a multitude of factors, including but limited to (1) time of day (2) day of the week (3) weather (4) traffic (5) time of year (6) game selection, etc. For example, I prefer to play at Canterbury on nights when a lot of the Survival tournaments are running, and at Running Aces when an Omaha Hi game is being spread. I'm not a big fan of limit hold'em, so if I want to play during the day I will usually choose Running Aces, as their 2-100 spread game runs probably 20 hours per day. However, I also enjoy playing the 6/12 Omaha 8 game at both rooms, so sometimes I will venture down to Canterbury during the day.
Do I have a favorite between the two? I can't say I do. Although it seems like there's a friendly rivalry between the two rooms, I have no intention to choose a side. A true poker player should recognize and embrace the benefits of both rooms. Compared to the options I was given back in Lansing, Michigan, Canterbury and Running Aces are both fantastic. If I wanted to play a decent game or tournament, I had to drive at least an hour to either Soaring Eagle Casino and Resort in Mount Pleasant or Motor City Casino in downtown Detroit (yuck!). The fact that there is two card rooms within 30 minutes of my residence that offer daily tournaments and cash games is truly a treat! However, that doesn't mean there isn't advantages or disadvantages to each room.
One advantage to playing at Canterbury Park is the Survival tournaments. If you enjoy no-limit holdem cash games Survivals are the closest thing you will find to them in Minnesota. Canterbury recently started spreading $1000 and $2500 Survivals each Tuesday, starting between 6:00 and 7:00 pm. Although I haven't played in any of those games, it seems like some of the best players in Minnesota are playing in them, which is great to see. Canterbury also has the advantage of a larger player pool, via closer proximity to more populated areas than Running Aces. However, considering their location, I think Running Aces does a great job attracting players. Their comp system is fantastic and the staff values the opinions of players significantly more than your average poker room.
One advantage to playing at Running Aces is the daily tournaments. Although the term #BestStructureAround has been thrown around a little bit too much, it's definitely true. Running Aces has put a significant effort into improving their tournament structures over the past year, and hopefully the #'s show. I know that I'm far more likely to play a tournament at Running Aces today than I was 12-18 months ago. However, just because Running Aces has slightly better tournament structures doesn't mean I'm not going to play tournaments at Canterbury too. I love the $235 Wednesday night tournament there because I get a chance to play against the best players in Minnesota, plus the 30-minute blind levels is an added bonus. Canterbury has also improved several of their tournament structures in the past year, and those efforts are definitely appreciated.
Regardless of the advantages/disadvantages of each room, one key factor that keeps me coming back (besides my passion for the game) is the customer service each room provides. I've had very productive conversations with tournament directors at both Canterbury and Running Aces regarding structure improvements. Considering I'm only 24 years old and don't have an established reputation in the Minnesota Poker Community, I haven't expected much from these conversations. However, they have been very productive. It's pretty evident that the opinions of individuals like me are not only valued, but taken into account regarding changes to tournament structures for the better of the players. Both rooms don't have to listen to a younger poker player like me to be successful, so I truly appreciate the efforts Canterbury and Running Aces have made recently to not only make their players happy, but also improve their business. I'm sure these efforts will continue, and I'm excited to continue playing at both rooms for a long time.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Monday, October 14, 2013
#TeamPokerJoker and the Optimum at Running Aces
Although this was already announced via Twitter last Saturday, I'm proud to say that I have joined #TeamPokerJoker! As an active member of the Minnesota poker community as well as the virtual community on Twitter, I've been familiar with the #TeamPokerJoker team and brand since its' inception earlier in the year. It's been pretty awesome seeing the team grow from its stages of infancy to where it is today, as Marc has done a fantastic job branding and marketing the team. Considering the strong core of players we have, I know our team has a bright future in the Minnesota Poker Community and hopefully will continue to expand and succeed in many ways. I consider myself very fortunate to be a member of the team and am excited to prove myself to my new teammates on the felt. You can find the Team Poker Joker website here if you're interested in learning more about the team: #TeamPokerJoker
In addition to joining #TeamPokerJoker, I was able to play two MTT's this week. I managed to sneak into the Optimum up at Running Aces yesterday afternoon around 4:30 PM, right when registration closed! When I arrived at the table the blinds were 400/800/100 ante and I was sitting on 9.8K from 15K starting, good for 12 BB's and a dream! As much as I don't enjoy being short stacked like that, I feel like I play a short stack in a very calculated mathematical manner. I'm not afraid to ship it all in with marginal hands from late position or the blinds to try and pick up free chips. Fortunately in this tournament, I found some great spots. I shipped 88 from the BB when two players limped to me, and promptly received two folds, then picked up AQ in the SB the next hand and shipped it on the BB and received another fold. I then proceeded to bust my friend Burke with A6dd vs QJo all in on a KQ2dd flop, catching an ace to bring my stack up to 22K for the final table.
Once we reached the final table I was pretty comfortable with my chip position. Two of the stronger players at the table had mountains of chips, and I was only one double up away from having a chance. I figured I could wait to pick my spots, as a few players were < 15BB. Unfortunately, in the first orbit I faced a really awkward spot that I would love to hear feedback on. UTG+1 raised to 2200 at 500/100 9 handed, I reraised with QQ in MP to 5600, starting the hand with 22K effective, HJ and CO fold, and the B insta-raises to 15K, effectively putting UTG+1 and me all in. UTG+1 folded, and I was faced with a tough decision. I had committed about 25% of my chips with a premium hand, but was faced with a 4-bet from a player I had limited information on. Online this is a snap call, as I'm most likely up against AK, but the 4-better had shown a lot of strength in his bet sizing and seemed very confident in his hand. I narrowed his perceived range down to JJ, KK, AK, and AA. After pondering my decision for a minute or so I decided to fold. I would still have 16 BB 9 handed, and was comfortable with how the table was playing. After the hand I told the 4-better that "I folded a pair" and he told me "good fold." Was it a good fold? I'm not sure. Anyone think folding QQ to a 4-bet 9 handed with 20BB is bad in a live MTT? Would love to hear your thoughts.
After that hand I was able to pick up a little bit of traction. I shipped 99 and was called by the same player with AK, the board ran out clean and I was back up to 25K in chips. However, several hands later I busted. Here is my bustout hand: folded to me in the SB with eff. 27K (won the blinds hand before) at 500/1000/100 ante, I pick up AhKh and raised to 3000, same player flats the BB for 2000 more. We head to a flop of Qh6s2s. This is a decent texture for me, as it's difficult to put the BB on a Q. Realistically he's 3-betting me with AQ and maybe KQ, and flatting with QJ, maybe KQ, and maybe Q10 and Q9 if he thinks he can outplay me post flop. I figure his range is pairs 22-88, suited connectors 87 and higher, and broadway hands like J10, KJ, etc. I continued for 3500 on the Q62hss flop with my AhKh, and the BB raised me to 11K, effectively half my chips. This raise surprised me, as I couldn't figure out what he was trying to represent. If he had a hand like 66,22, KQ or Qxss wouldn't he flat and let me keep barreling my hand? I can understand this bet if he has a hand like 33-55, 77, 88, a flush draw, or QJ and Q10 as he would be put to a tough decision if a K or A came on the turn and I fired a second barrel. However, this is a great texture to semi-bluff or bluff on, as it's tough for me to commit all my chips on this board unless I have a Q or better, or a flush draw. Is going all in here the best play or is folding? If I fold I'm back to 20K in chips and sitting with a decent but not preferable stack, but if I 3-bet all in for 13K more I could get the BB to fold a hand like 33-55, and maybe even a hand like 77 or 88 if he thinks he is drawing to two outs. Would you shove all in here or would you fold?
I decided to shove all in and the BB called pretty quickly. He tabled his hand pretty quickly, and he had a hand that made a lot of sense in this spot: 109ss for a flush draw and two live cards. I really like his bet here, as he can get me to fold a lot of hands that are better than 10 high. Even if I do have a big hand like AA, KK, AQ, KQ, he still has 35% equity against my hand. He clearly put me on hand that couldn't beat a Q and he was absolutely right, and I put him on a hand that couldn't beat a Q and was right too! Unfortunately for me a spade spiked on the turn and I was drawing dead. Regardless I am happy with how I played the hand, putting in 21K more all in to win 55K and 48% equity. I truly think the BB folds a small pair in this spot most the time.
Really interested to hear your feedback on these two hands. Both these spots were pretty awkward and I am happy with my play, but I am always interested in hearing what others have to say in these situations. Thanks to Running Aces for hosting a great tournament with a great structure, as both Running Aces and Canterbury have put a decent effort into improving their tournament structures in the past year. I will definitely be back to play the Optimum sometime in the near future!
Thanks for reading and I will update again soon in a post about local tournament structures!
- Rob @robbrereton
It's me! Playing some 2-5 PLO @ Aria in August |
Once we reached the final table I was pretty comfortable with my chip position. Two of the stronger players at the table had mountains of chips, and I was only one double up away from having a chance. I figured I could wait to pick my spots, as a few players were < 15BB. Unfortunately, in the first orbit I faced a really awkward spot that I would love to hear feedback on. UTG+1 raised to 2200 at 500/100 9 handed, I reraised with QQ in MP to 5600, starting the hand with 22K effective, HJ and CO fold, and the B insta-raises to 15K, effectively putting UTG+1 and me all in. UTG+1 folded, and I was faced with a tough decision. I had committed about 25% of my chips with a premium hand, but was faced with a 4-bet from a player I had limited information on. Online this is a snap call, as I'm most likely up against AK, but the 4-better had shown a lot of strength in his bet sizing and seemed very confident in his hand. I narrowed his perceived range down to JJ, KK, AK, and AA. After pondering my decision for a minute or so I decided to fold. I would still have 16 BB 9 handed, and was comfortable with how the table was playing. After the hand I told the 4-better that "I folded a pair" and he told me "good fold." Was it a good fold? I'm not sure. Anyone think folding QQ to a 4-bet 9 handed with 20BB is bad in a live MTT? Would love to hear your thoughts.
After that hand I was able to pick up a little bit of traction. I shipped 99 and was called by the same player with AK, the board ran out clean and I was back up to 25K in chips. However, several hands later I busted. Here is my bustout hand: folded to me in the SB with eff. 27K (won the blinds hand before) at 500/1000/100 ante, I pick up AhKh and raised to 3000, same player flats the BB for 2000 more. We head to a flop of Qh6s2s. This is a decent texture for me, as it's difficult to put the BB on a Q. Realistically he's 3-betting me with AQ and maybe KQ, and flatting with QJ, maybe KQ, and maybe Q10 and Q9 if he thinks he can outplay me post flop. I figure his range is pairs 22-88, suited connectors 87 and higher, and broadway hands like J10, KJ, etc. I continued for 3500 on the Q62hss flop with my AhKh, and the BB raised me to 11K, effectively half my chips. This raise surprised me, as I couldn't figure out what he was trying to represent. If he had a hand like 66,22, KQ or Qxss wouldn't he flat and let me keep barreling my hand? I can understand this bet if he has a hand like 33-55, 77, 88, a flush draw, or QJ and Q10 as he would be put to a tough decision if a K or A came on the turn and I fired a second barrel. However, this is a great texture to semi-bluff or bluff on, as it's tough for me to commit all my chips on this board unless I have a Q or better, or a flush draw. Is going all in here the best play or is folding? If I fold I'm back to 20K in chips and sitting with a decent but not preferable stack, but if I 3-bet all in for 13K more I could get the BB to fold a hand like 33-55, and maybe even a hand like 77 or 88 if he thinks he is drawing to two outs. Would you shove all in here or would you fold?
I decided to shove all in and the BB called pretty quickly. He tabled his hand pretty quickly, and he had a hand that made a lot of sense in this spot: 109ss for a flush draw and two live cards. I really like his bet here, as he can get me to fold a lot of hands that are better than 10 high. Even if I do have a big hand like AA, KK, AQ, KQ, he still has 35% equity against my hand. He clearly put me on hand that couldn't beat a Q and he was absolutely right, and I put him on a hand that couldn't beat a Q and was right too! Unfortunately for me a spade spiked on the turn and I was drawing dead. Regardless I am happy with how I played the hand, putting in 21K more all in to win 55K and 48% equity. I truly think the BB folds a small pair in this spot most the time.
Really interested to hear your feedback on these two hands. Both these spots were pretty awkward and I am happy with my play, but I am always interested in hearing what others have to say in these situations. Thanks to Running Aces for hosting a great tournament with a great structure, as both Running Aces and Canterbury have put a decent effort into improving their tournament structures in the past year. I will definitely be back to play the Optimum sometime in the near future!
Thanks for reading and I will update again soon in a post about local tournament structures!
- Rob @robbrereton
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Ultimate Overlay Tournament Recap
Hi guys, since my last blog received so many hits (over 100!) I've decided to change my focus to poker for the time being. For those that are hoping for more entries in which I dive deep into my emotional past and the various existential crises I've experienced, don't expect too much more of that. I look at poker in a very matter of fact, mathematical way. Regardless, I'm excited to share my insights with my followers and look forward to hearing what you think. So, if you follow on Twitter, @robbrereton , please provide feedback if you wish!
Last Thursday I played the Ultimate Overlay Tournament at Canterbury Park in Shakopee, MN. This tournament, now in it's second year, is the brain child of Winmark CEO John Morgan, who has had an enormous positive impact on the Minnesota poker community. Morgan pledged to donate a portion of his winnings in the $111,111 One Drop this summer at the WSOP to the Ultimate Overlay prizepool. Although Morgan did not cash in the event, the event did raise over $550,000 for Guy Laliberte's One Drop Charity. Regardless, the Ultimate Overlay Tournament and Canterbury Park guaranteed a $100,000 prize pool for a buy in of only $130. The tournament was capped at 850 players (no rebuys) and divided into four Day 1's.
For the second straight year, I decided to play Day 1D. Last year I bought my ticket in July and I did the same this year, purchasing it from a friend who I play the Survival tournaments with at Canterbury. There's a tremendous amount of value in this tournament considering the number of recreational players that enter, so I always make sure to buy a ticket early in fear of it selling out! I was seated at Table 20 Seat 5 and arrived at the end of the first level (right on time for me!) to a table full of unknowns and Mike Schneider in the one seat. For those that don't know who Mike is he has over one million in both live and online earnings, winning the FPC Main Event in 2012 for a cool $63K. When I sat down Mike already had 50K in front of him, 2.5x starting stack, so I expected him to play almost every pot considering he was 500BB deep.
After folding the first 15 hands or so I finally played a hand at 100/200. Dealt QJo in the hijack, I called a MP raise to 600, as did the button, SB, BB and an UTG limper. The flop came out J108 rainbow, which is a decent flop for my hand. Unfortunately with 5 players in the hand this texture is one to be cautious with in a multiway pot. The SB led out for 1400, BB fold, UTG called, MP called, and I folded my hand. In this spot I am probably beat or up against drawing hands with massive equity against me like A9, AQ, or KQ. Sure enough a 9 came on the turn, which would've given me a Q high straight. SB led out for 2000, UTG called and MP folded. An A came on the river and SB led out for 3000, UTG instantly shoved all in, and SB folded AJ face up. UTG proceeded to show him KQ, validating my fold as I lose a lot more than 600 chips if I peel the flop!
Next hand I played was at the 200/400 level, I had played very tight up until that point so in this hand I felt like I picked a great spot. The HJ opened to 800 and I picked up 97o in the CO and 3-bet to 2200 with 14,300 behind following my 3-bet. My hope was to iso the original raiser and to see a flop heads up, but the SB, a new player at the table with 50,000 in chips flatted my 3-bet. I had never seen him before but I feel like most players flat 3-bets here with hands like 22-99 and connected broadway hands like QJ, KJ, KQ,A10, AJ, and maybe even AQ and AK if they don't like 4-betting hands that aren't made. The HJ flatted my bet as well and we saw a flop three ways with 6800 in the middle, effectively 2x my stack. I planned on continuing on flops where I either made a pair, two pair, open ender, gut shot + two overs, and naked Ace flops. If I flopped a nut flop like 99x, 77x, 865r, 1086r, I would peel a turn card hoping that a face card hit that connected with one of my opponent's hands. The flop came 1075 rainbow, a great board for me against their perceived hand ranges. The only hands I was really afraid of were 55,88,99, A10 and maybe 10xface if the HJ was opening light. Both the SB and HJ checked to me and I continued for 3300, approximately half the pot. I figured even if the SB or HJ called my flop bet with a hand that beat mine like 88, 99, or a weaker 10, there was still many cards that could come on the turn for me to either barrel them off the hand with a turn shove or to make me the winning hand. After I continued for 3300, the SB thought for 30 seconds and then asked me for a count. I lifted my arms and showed him my chips. 30 seconds later he raised me to 7600, effectively putting me to the test for all my chips, and the HJ folded. I really like his bet right here A LOT, as he is only risking 7,600 chips while essentially making me risk 14,300 to play the hand. I figured he could be making this bet with a hand like 88, 99, A10, and maybe even 10facesuited if he flatted my 3-bet with that pre. I don't think he would make this bet with a set, as he would be getting me to fold hands like AK and AQ that had less than 5% equity vs his hand. However, at the same time I had never played with this player before, so trying to figure out what he was thinking was going to be difficult. After thinking for two minutes and staring him down, I decided to fold. He seemed to feel somewhat confident in his hand, and I would still have 11,000 in chips, good for 27 BB if I folded. What would you do in this spot? Do you think all-in is the right play here?
The next hand I played was at the 300/600 blind level. I was extremely card dead in this tournament, but knew I could get value from a strong hand if I flopped big against a weaker player. Starting with 10,500 in chips, I opened KQsc in the HJ to 1800 after MP2 limped in with 9,000 behind. I considered shoving here, and would've if there was antes, but couldn't justify shipping KQ when if I was called I would probably be racing or dominated. Shipping all in is probably the most +EV play against a table of regulars, but I figured I could get action with a worse K or Q with the 3x raise pre. The BB proceeded to call my raise as did the MP limper and the flop came out 998hhc. Not the greatest flop for me and a tough texture to continue on vs two opponents. Both checked to me and I checked back hoping for a face card on the turn. The turn came an Ah and it was checked around again. The river came a Qs and it was checked to me, I decided to check it back here even though I usually bet this hand. Sure enough the BB turned over A2o and won the pot, thus I was down to 8700 chips and glad I didn't value bet!
My bustout hand was pretty depressing, but a great reason why there is so much value in the Ultimate Overlay tournament. I was dealt A10o in the SB with 7800 behind at 300/600 UTG limped, MP limped, Button limped, and I shipped for 8100 total and 13.5 BB, hoping to elicit folds from all parties or a call from a dominated ace. The BB and UTG folded, but MP began to deliberate heavily. He started the hand with about 11K and would be putting a substantial portion of his chips at risk if he called my all in. I put him on a small pair or a QJ, KJ type hand while he was thinking the call over, but I had seem him play some interesting hands. After two minutes he ended up dropping in the call and the Button folded. I quickly turned over my A10 as I knew he didn't have a dominating ace. After about 10 seconds he slowly turned over... Q3ss... I was honestly in disbelief that he had called my all in, but didn't mind the call at first. The flop came out KQ7, turn Q, river K, and sure enough his Q3 had made a full house and I was bounced from the Ultimate Overlay tournament without winning a hand! I quickly wished my remaining table mates good luck and headed to the bar!
Regardless of the disappointing outcome, I'm glad I got to play the Ultimate Overlay tournament at Canterbury Park. Canterbury Park consistently attracts big, soft fields for their more publicized events, so I always jump at the opportunity to play tournaments like this and would encourage you to do so as well. Although I ran horribly, I had the opportunity to connect with and sweat some friends who were running deep in the tournament, which was really exciting! I'm looking forward to playing the Ultimate Overlay next year, and fortunately I won't be too difficult for me to improve on this year's result. All I need to do is win one hand! :)
Last Thursday I played the Ultimate Overlay Tournament at Canterbury Park in Shakopee, MN. This tournament, now in it's second year, is the brain child of Winmark CEO John Morgan, who has had an enormous positive impact on the Minnesota poker community. Morgan pledged to donate a portion of his winnings in the $111,111 One Drop this summer at the WSOP to the Ultimate Overlay prizepool. Although Morgan did not cash in the event, the event did raise over $550,000 for Guy Laliberte's One Drop Charity. Regardless, the Ultimate Overlay Tournament and Canterbury Park guaranteed a $100,000 prize pool for a buy in of only $130. The tournament was capped at 850 players (no rebuys) and divided into four Day 1's.
For the second straight year, I decided to play Day 1D. Last year I bought my ticket in July and I did the same this year, purchasing it from a friend who I play the Survival tournaments with at Canterbury. There's a tremendous amount of value in this tournament considering the number of recreational players that enter, so I always make sure to buy a ticket early in fear of it selling out! I was seated at Table 20 Seat 5 and arrived at the end of the first level (right on time for me!) to a table full of unknowns and Mike Schneider in the one seat. For those that don't know who Mike is he has over one million in both live and online earnings, winning the FPC Main Event in 2012 for a cool $63K. When I sat down Mike already had 50K in front of him, 2.5x starting stack, so I expected him to play almost every pot considering he was 500BB deep.
After folding the first 15 hands or so I finally played a hand at 100/200. Dealt QJo in the hijack, I called a MP raise to 600, as did the button, SB, BB and an UTG limper. The flop came out J108 rainbow, which is a decent flop for my hand. Unfortunately with 5 players in the hand this texture is one to be cautious with in a multiway pot. The SB led out for 1400, BB fold, UTG called, MP called, and I folded my hand. In this spot I am probably beat or up against drawing hands with massive equity against me like A9, AQ, or KQ. Sure enough a 9 came on the turn, which would've given me a Q high straight. SB led out for 2000, UTG called and MP folded. An A came on the river and SB led out for 3000, UTG instantly shoved all in, and SB folded AJ face up. UTG proceeded to show him KQ, validating my fold as I lose a lot more than 600 chips if I peel the flop!
Next hand I played was at the 200/400 level, I had played very tight up until that point so in this hand I felt like I picked a great spot. The HJ opened to 800 and I picked up 97o in the CO and 3-bet to 2200 with 14,300 behind following my 3-bet. My hope was to iso the original raiser and to see a flop heads up, but the SB, a new player at the table with 50,000 in chips flatted my 3-bet. I had never seen him before but I feel like most players flat 3-bets here with hands like 22-99 and connected broadway hands like QJ, KJ, KQ,A10, AJ, and maybe even AQ and AK if they don't like 4-betting hands that aren't made. The HJ flatted my bet as well and we saw a flop three ways with 6800 in the middle, effectively 2x my stack. I planned on continuing on flops where I either made a pair, two pair, open ender, gut shot + two overs, and naked Ace flops. If I flopped a nut flop like 99x, 77x, 865r, 1086r, I would peel a turn card hoping that a face card hit that connected with one of my opponent's hands. The flop came 1075 rainbow, a great board for me against their perceived hand ranges. The only hands I was really afraid of were 55,88,99, A10 and maybe 10xface if the HJ was opening light. Both the SB and HJ checked to me and I continued for 3300, approximately half the pot. I figured even if the SB or HJ called my flop bet with a hand that beat mine like 88, 99, or a weaker 10, there was still many cards that could come on the turn for me to either barrel them off the hand with a turn shove or to make me the winning hand. After I continued for 3300, the SB thought for 30 seconds and then asked me for a count. I lifted my arms and showed him my chips. 30 seconds later he raised me to 7600, effectively putting me to the test for all my chips, and the HJ folded. I really like his bet right here A LOT, as he is only risking 7,600 chips while essentially making me risk 14,300 to play the hand. I figured he could be making this bet with a hand like 88, 99, A10, and maybe even 10facesuited if he flatted my 3-bet with that pre. I don't think he would make this bet with a set, as he would be getting me to fold hands like AK and AQ that had less than 5% equity vs his hand. However, at the same time I had never played with this player before, so trying to figure out what he was thinking was going to be difficult. After thinking for two minutes and staring him down, I decided to fold. He seemed to feel somewhat confident in his hand, and I would still have 11,000 in chips, good for 27 BB if I folded. What would you do in this spot? Do you think all-in is the right play here?
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Down but not out! |
The next hand I played was at the 300/600 blind level. I was extremely card dead in this tournament, but knew I could get value from a strong hand if I flopped big against a weaker player. Starting with 10,500 in chips, I opened KQsc in the HJ to 1800 after MP2 limped in with 9,000 behind. I considered shoving here, and would've if there was antes, but couldn't justify shipping KQ when if I was called I would probably be racing or dominated. Shipping all in is probably the most +EV play against a table of regulars, but I figured I could get action with a worse K or Q with the 3x raise pre. The BB proceeded to call my raise as did the MP limper and the flop came out 998hhc. Not the greatest flop for me and a tough texture to continue on vs two opponents. Both checked to me and I checked back hoping for a face card on the turn. The turn came an Ah and it was checked around again. The river came a Qs and it was checked to me, I decided to check it back here even though I usually bet this hand. Sure enough the BB turned over A2o and won the pot, thus I was down to 8700 chips and glad I didn't value bet!
My bustout hand was pretty depressing, but a great reason why there is so much value in the Ultimate Overlay tournament. I was dealt A10o in the SB with 7800 behind at 300/600 UTG limped, MP limped, Button limped, and I shipped for 8100 total and 13.5 BB, hoping to elicit folds from all parties or a call from a dominated ace. The BB and UTG folded, but MP began to deliberate heavily. He started the hand with about 11K and would be putting a substantial portion of his chips at risk if he called my all in. I put him on a small pair or a QJ, KJ type hand while he was thinking the call over, but I had seem him play some interesting hands. After two minutes he ended up dropping in the call and the Button folded. I quickly turned over my A10 as I knew he didn't have a dominating ace. After about 10 seconds he slowly turned over... Q3ss... I was honestly in disbelief that he had called my all in, but didn't mind the call at first. The flop came out KQ7, turn Q, river K, and sure enough his Q3 had made a full house and I was bounced from the Ultimate Overlay tournament without winning a hand! I quickly wished my remaining table mates good luck and headed to the bar!
Regardless of the disappointing outcome, I'm glad I got to play the Ultimate Overlay tournament at Canterbury Park. Canterbury Park consistently attracts big, soft fields for their more publicized events, so I always jump at the opportunity to play tournaments like this and would encourage you to do so as well. Although I ran horribly, I had the opportunity to connect with and sweat some friends who were running deep in the tournament, which was really exciting! I'm looking forward to playing the Ultimate Overlay next year, and fortunately I won't be too difficult for me to improve on this year's result. All I need to do is win one hand! :)
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